Make Your Hair Healthy

A Simple Basic

Healthy Hair Routine

Honing a healthy haircare routine can seem a bit overwhelming, considering all the information flooding the internet. Some influencers advise a long list of multiple steps in their haircare regimen. For those just starting out or a refresher for others, let’s simplify the healthy haircare routine by getting back to basics. Not only is it simple and effective, but you’ll also have more time to yourself. Wash day should not be an all-day session.

 A Gentle Shampoo

Deciding on a shampoo is crucial in attaining and maintaining healthy hair. Harsh surfactants will completely strip the strands of its natural oils, leaving it dry and frizzy. Some are not pH balanced which can lead to damage, weak hair keratin and scalp issues. Consistent usage creates a vicious cycle on the delicate locks. It causes you to seek out more hair products to solve the dryness and damage that never seem to really go away. Piling on more products are just causing layers of buildup. These layers are barriers sitting on the strands, preventing moisture from seeping in. To remove the buildup, a harsh shampoo is used and thus the dry cycle continues.

 Fortunately, to avoid parched hair when cleansing, it is best to use a sulphate free shampoo. These cleansers are gentle and are most likely pH balanced. They help maintain moisture and promote a healthy scalp.  Every now and then, you may experience product build up and need to clarify. Personally, I use an apple cider vinegar mix to reset my hair, but there are plenty of gentle clarifying shampoos out on the market these days.

 Deep Conditioning

Keeping hair strong, supple, and moist requires consistent deep conditioning. A natural conditioner or hair mask is preferable as it contains oils that penetrate and nourish the strands. Deep conditioning is most effective when left on for 20 – 30 minutes with heat, opening the cuticles for absorption. Those with straight/wavy oily hair should consider a hair mask before shampooing. A thick conditioner may weigh down the strands if done after cleansing. For Curly and coily hair, they may either deep condition after shampooing or use a hair mask prior. Either way, all hair types will benefit from consistent deep treatment to attain strong healthy hair.

 Leave-In Conditioner

After shampooing and deep conditioning, it’s time to apply a light leave-in conditioner. This is an essential step as it keeps your hair moisturized until the next shampoo. Again, a natural conditioner does a great job with moisture retention and strengthening.

 If air drying is not your thing, be sure to use a heat protectant. Blow drying and flat ironing should be done at a lower setting. Remember, balance is key. Do not use heat daily.


Our last step in our healthy haircare routine is oiling the ends of your hair. Applying a light oil from midway to the ends of your strands daily will lubricate and protect them from the elements and the environment. Oils nourish and make the hair supple, pliable, and soft. They also help tame frizz and smooth the cuticles. If wondering which oil to use, Sunflower oil is a good start. It’s light weight and is extremely penetrating.  

 In general, you should wait at least 3 days or more before the next shampoo and repeat the steps. Shampooing daily may lead to dryness and will throw a wrench in your healthy hair practice.

Maintaining a healthy hair regimen doesn’t have to be complicated. With consistency and effort using these simple steps, strong healthy hair will be yours in no time at all.

 ~ Marie Morgan


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